Sometimes you just want more
A is For Art Center
Exhibition Design
We were given a limited fund to make the alphabet look cool for a weekend. It was up for over 2 months. Pieces: entrance sign, ‘F is For Follow' (footprints), 'T is For Tiny Design' (magnifying glass), and 'M is for Mirror image' (mirror).
Product Design
For a house warming gift, I decided to give a friend a piggy bank. He hates pants and coins, so I redesigned a piggy bank. The carpet is the piggybanks. Eventually, I needed one for myself.
Cuddle Buddy
Product Design
I’ve had a long distance relationship, and I was getting major cuddle withdrawal. I needed to fix that. Hence, I made a iPad case to Facetime and cuddle with. A match made in heaven.
Trash Monster Has A Message for You
During finals people are stretched so thin that they forget correct printing settings. That wastes tons of paper. Trash monsters want to remind students to check for those simple mistakes, and not to waste paper.
Dolphin Tales: Multi-universal Love
Motion Fun
I let one question guide me: who is an alien dolphin?
Redesign of James Baldwin’s Nothing Personal
Graphic Design

I stumbled upon this book in the library, and wanted to re-contextualize it with famous black photographers. It’s not just my favorite coffee table book, but also my typography professor’s too. He bought a copy.
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