Instillation and participatory Design
America has a habit of making excuses for not voting. We want Americans to reflect on why they make these excuses, and the impact of those excuses. They may sound insignificant alone, but together they change the face of this country.
The Excuse Booth
The excuse booth is designed for a private confession. When someone writes their excuse and casts their 'ballot', people are instructed to take someone else's excuse to place it on the flag. This hits home the message that not only do you have an excuse, but so does everyone else that didn't vote.
The Flag
Displaying the excuses publicly forces passersby and participants to reflect on their excuse and other's excuse. The first step to stop making excuses is to notice you have a problem with it.
After people offer their excuse, they can take a sticker to either wear or put on someone else that you know did not vote.
The vision
The hope is to bring this installation into every major city of every state and place this setup outside of those city halls. Every night, we will project those excuses on city hall to city hall so that everyone can see that this not an individual bad habit, but a communal one.
Partner: Jason Ham